Image of the PJM Medal
Banner Text = Fight For the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia Medal

Lobby Your MP

On this page we have set out some of the key contact points between you, your MP, and Parliament.

Do not be reserved about emailing your MP, writing to him or her, or telephoning their office at the Commons. We elect our MPs to represent us and the elected Member of Parliament is there to represent all of us irrespective of our political affiliations.

Many MPs have already expressed their wish to do more for the PJM cause. We need to give them the ammunition with which to do precisely that.

1. WriteToThem.Com

Just type in your Post Code here and write to your MP (this link will give you a lot of info about local representatives and your MP in particular).

2. Find Your MP

If you do not know who your MP is, find him or her here.

3.  Alphabetical List of MPs

If you know the name, use this link to contact your MP.

4.  TheyWorkForYou.Com

Lobby at "", a non-partisan, volunteer-run website which aims to make it easy for people to keep tabs on their elected representatives. Here is the section dealing with the written Ministerial Statement.

5.  MP's Email Addresses (also highlighting senior members)

If you wish to email an MP, trace his or her name and then click this link to find an email address.

6. EDMs Supporting Our Case

Check if your MP is supporting the PJM cause by signing Early Day Motions.

Your turn now!

If you would like to comment on this page, please click here and send us your thoughts.

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