BarryF wrote:
I'll give Pete a call today but I think he would have told me if he had received a reply. If he hasn't received a reply, I'll ask him to telephone her and her constituency office.
Pete has reported that Angela has written to the MoD. That didn't go down too well - understandably if you read Pete's original request to his MP which is headed "RE: Pingat Jasa Malaysia - Please write to Mrs Beckett on my behalf"
Here's the exchange.
From: STOCKWELL, Fay on behalf of BROWNING, Angela
Sent: Tue 27/02/2007 12:10
To: Pete Jackson
Subject: RE: Pingat Jasa Malaysia - Please write to Mrs Beckett on my behalf
Dear Mr Jackson,
Angela asked me to thank you for your recent email and to let you know that she has now written on your behalf to the appropriate Minister at
the Ministry of Defence.
The reply will be forwarded to you as soon as it is available.
Yours sincerely,
Fay Stockwell
Office of Angela Browning MP
----- Forwarded by Barry Fleming/BAFleming on 01/03/2007 17:59 -----
"Pete Jackson" <>
01/03/2007 17:58
To: "BROWNING, Angela" <>
Subject: RE: Pingat Jasa Malaysia - Please write to Mrs Beckett on my behalf
Dear Fay Stockwell,
Thank you for your email.
The MoD are not the lead Department in the matter of Foreign Decorations. It is the Foreign Office as indicated in my original email, and the subject line of that email ("Pingat Jasa Malaysia - Please write to Mrs Beckett on my behalf"), that embody my request to Angela.
The MoD will simply reply stating that the matter is handled by the FCO. Angela's letter and my concerns will not get any further.
I know Angela will be busy, but can you ask her if she will respond to my original request, that she forward my concerns (see the two bulleted points in my original email) to the Foreign Secretary. It is very important that Mrs Beckett addresses the issue - only she can influence a change to this discredited decision.
Thank you very much,
Peter Jackson
(address supplied)
- - - - - - - - - - - ends - - - - -
I can assure readers that Pete will not let matters rest there.
BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia