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New Scottish Parliamentary Motion.
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Post New Scottish Parliamentary Motion. 
The following has been placed before the Scottish Parliament -

S3M-06801 Joe FitzPatrick (Dundee West) (Scottish National Party): Pingat Jasa Malaysia— That the Parliament regrets the continued refusal of the Committee on the Grants of Honours, Decorations and Medals to allow British veterans to wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia (Malaysian Service) medal awarded to Commonwealth forces for distinguished chivalry, gallantry, sacrifice or loyalty in upholding the Malay Peninsula or Malaysian sovereignty during the period of emergency and confrontation at the time of its newly won independence between 1957 and 1966; notes that other Commonwealth nations have allowed their veterans to wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia medal; believes that it is time for the honours committee to do the right thing and to allow British veterans the same courtesy as their Commonwealth comrades, and calls on the committee to overturn its previous objections.
Lodged on Monday, August 09, 2010; Current

Please get in touch with your Member of the Scottish Parliament, if you have one, but no harm in contacting them even if you haven't, and ask that they sign this new motion.
The more who sign it the more those in other places will take note.


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Post Re: New Scottish Parliamentary Motion. 
mcdangle wrote:
The following has been placed before the Scottish Parliament -

S3M-06801 Joe FitzPatrick (Dundee West) (Scottish National Party)
Please get in touch with your Member of the Scottish Parliament, if you have one, but no harm in contacting them even if you haven't, and ask that they sign this new motion.
The more who sign it the more those in other places will take note.


This is another great initiative, Andy.

I would urge everyone to email Joe FitzPatrick at if you are a constituent and, if you are not, at

Most importantly, please contact all MSPs and urger them to support and sign this motion - they can do so from their computers. Go to for a full list of MSPs.

BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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