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Joined: 12 Feb 2006
Posts: 1027
Location: Scotland
 Review of Bravery Awards.
Headline News
Cabinet Office boost for airport heroes
New hope of medals for terror
attack trio
HEROES OF the Glasgow Airport terror attack have been given fresh hope of receiving bravery awards.
The Government has told campaigners a review of possible gallantry cases will take place now legal proceedings have finished.
Michael’s family launched a campaign to win them recognition but were stunned to be told the men’s action was “praiseworthy” but did not reach the standard required for a gallantry award.
Now they’re hoping the decision will be reversed after the Cabinet Office, which administers honours, told them a review will take place.
“I asked what type of information had already been considered so we could have an idea of what more they needed. Was it video evidence or police statements?
“They wouldn’t tell me much but did reveal there was definitely going to be a review.”
The official also said that the George Cross Committee, which decides on bravery awards, had not studied security camera footage before making the decision that only John Smeaton deserved an award.
Note - this is an excerpt from an article in The Sunday Post on 4th. January, 2009.
Originally it was said that Dennis Brennan, who advised the Prime Minister on bravery awards, had decided that only one of the four involved (not the one that had his leg broken and teeth knocked out by a terrorist) could be given an award.
Not the same as the PJM but the same shameful attitude towards genuine British citizens, and in this case brave citizens.
Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:25 pm |
Joined: 24 Nov 2006
Posts: 39
Location: Perth Western Australia
 Bravery awards
I am not a regular contributor to this site, but I am an avid reader of all the discourse and the frustrations of dedicated and committed regulars who constantly give updates of their hugely frustrating battles with the British civil servants. For several months a thought has been nagging away at me which continues to be reinforced with each ludicrous and unfair decision that I hear (bearing in mind that I am in Oz and dont hear all of the decisions) - but the ones that confirm my view that civil servants who are involved in decision making are young, radical, idealist socialist educated (through the left wing University system) and who do not believe in the same values we hold dear from our time serving Queen and Country.
Apart from the current debacle with the PJM, the decisions include: the rejection of Gurkhas recieving British citizenship; the imminent acceptance of Guantamo Bay residents, the run down of the Navy (and possible other services) to laughable proportions; and now this arqument about whether the brave defenders at Glasgow should be recognised for their bravery - what a joke - I never once questioned whether I made the right decision to move to Oz, I am sorry but from afar, it appears that the lunatics have control of the asylum and it is not a pretty sight.
More power to you all - you deserve our continued support from all like minded people, both at home and overseas, because our values are too precious and too hard won to give away.
Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:16 am |
Joined: 12 Feb 2006
Posts: 1027
Location: Scotland
 Bravery Awards
Well said that man. Spot on Pedro. We are heading downhill into the gates of hell in a handcart but hopefully there is enough of us with love of our country who will be able to put the brakes on. We will never recover our country but we have rights like all those in jail and all the newcomers so we have to exercise these rights en masse. I see in to-days bbc news that a police officer who was stabbed to death trying to arrest a terrorist and who had previously been refused a bravery award, is now to get the Queens Gallantry Medal for brave conduct, and quite right too.
The Honours and Decorations Committee who are self-tasked with the integrity of the Honours System are a joke and their continual incompetence in the field of honours is embarrassing the Sovereign and making our country a laughing stock throughout the world with their foot in mouth syndrome.
Britain is the only country in the world that tampers with foreign decorations awarded to its citizens by grateful foreign governments and although they had relinquished the antiquated rule of non-wear for British private citizens in 1969 the HD Committee under the Cabinet Secretary reintroduced this despotic Tudor 17th century restriction upon British citizens early in the 21st century. Just where do these people come from?
We will only get official permission to wear the PJM if we bring those responsible for this unlawful act to book by our elected people's parliament and a system introduced where no British citizen is ever again deprived of his democratic rights and civil liberties by an unelected, non-parliamentary and secret committee of civil servants.
Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:35 am |
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