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Email MSPs and seek support for Sandra's PJM Motion
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Post Email MSPs and seek support for Sandra's PJM Motion 
We have tremendous support in the Scottish Parliament.

The Scottish Public Petitions Committee has even recommended that an MSP table a Motion in the Scottish Parliament in support of our case.

And Sandra White MSP has done exactly that!

S3M-260 Sandra White (Glasgow) (SNP):

"Pingat Jasa Medal

That the Parliament extends its fullest support to the veterans and families of veterans involved in the continuing struggle to gain the right to wear the Pingat Jasa Medal, the Malaysian service medal, awarded to Commonwealth forces who served Malaysia in its fight to preserve its newly won independence against terror and aggression between 1957 and 1966 for distinguished chivalry, gallantry, sacrifice or loyalty in upholding Peninsula of Malaya or Malaysian sovereignty during the period of emergency and confrontation; believes that the refusal to grant permission to wear the medal is an insult to all the British servicemen and women who defended Malaysia in its hour of need and to the Malaysian government which issued the medal; notes that Australian and New Zealand veterans have received royal assent to accept and wear the medal, and calls on the British honours and decorations committee to overturn its decision."

One MSP said "If a majority of members of the Parliament sign the motion, it might be accepted that our view is that the veterans should be able to wear the medal, regardless of what Westminster might say on the issue."

Please help Sandra to help us. Write to your MSP ... and if you do not have one, write to all MSPs! And ask them to support British veterans by signing Motion S3M - 260.

If Sandra can attract over 50% of the MSPs to sign her Motion, then the Scottish Parliament will have demonstrated its support for the right to wear the PJM - and that will ensure our case is considered by Westminster (for the first time, would you believe!).

Let's get emailing ... go to our new Scotland page at and download email addresses and other contact info.

Thank you for your support.

BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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Post Motion S3M-260 
Wink Done! A very long address list!

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Post Motion S3M-260 
Good man David....we hope that many will follow your example

Paroi...Rasah...Batu Signals Troop.
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Trying to send but keep getting an error message about the addresses. Anyone help??


Pingat Kami - Hak Kami
651 Signal Troop,
Semengo Camp,
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Sorted. It did not like that many e-mail addresses so I divided it into four and off they have gone.

Dear MSP,

I write in support of Scottish Veterans who I had the honour to serve with in Malaysia who, like other Veterans of the Malaya/Malaysia Campaigns, are being denied the right- by an unelected Honours and Decorations Committee- to wear the PJM so graciously awarded by the Malaysian Government in recognition of Veteran's service during both the Malayan Emergency and "Confrontation" Campaigns.

Can I ask that you give your support to the following:-

S3M-260 Sandra White (Glasgow) (SNP):

"Pingat Jasa Medal

That the Parliament extends its fullest support to the veterans and families of veterans involved in the continuing struggle to gain the right to wear the Pingat Jasa Medal, the Malaysian service medal, awarded to Commonwealth forces who served Malaysia in its fight to preserve its newly won independence against terror and aggression between 1957 and 1966 for distinguished chivalry, gallantry, sacrifice or loyalty in upholding Peninsula of Malaya or Malaysian sovereignty during the period of emergency and confrontation; believes that the refusal to grant permission to wear the medal is an insult to all the British servicemen and women who defended Malaysia in its hour of need and to the Malaysian government which issued the medal; notes that Australian and New Zealand veterans have received royal assent to accept and wear the medal, and calls on the British honours and decorations committee to overturn its decision."

My grateful thanks in anticipation,

John Rushton,

(Details removed)

Pingat Kami - Hak Kami
651 Signal Troop,
Semengo Camp,
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Post Failed Messages 

I had the same thing happen to some addresses in a multi-addressee email.
From the failed mail msg you should be able to highlight the culprit addressee;
go back to the email address 'block', look for the 'culprit' then delete him/her:

They may not be on the list anymore - there address may be different eg,
many addressees are joe.bloggs.msp@scottish,
some might be - (or .uk) or some other.

I didn't bother with oddments - if the msg failed and it wasn't straight I crossed them out. I had four 'names' on the
failed messages - once I had deleted them, the rest got sent straight away.
no replies yet.


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Thanks GLOman.

As you can now see, I split the list into 4 and they went fine. Error message said "too many addresses".

Many thanks,


Pingat Kami - Hak Kami
651 Signal Troop,
Semengo Camp,
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Both Alasdair Allan MSP and Brian Adam MSP have confirmed that they have signed Sandra Whites S3M-260.

Edit:- Plus,
Patrick Harvie MSP
Liam McArthur MSP
Robin Harper MSP
Bob Doris MSP
Stuart McMillan MSP

all confimed today they had signed.

Alex Fergusson is unable to as he is the Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament.

What a terrific resonse !!!

Last edited by Semengo13 on Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

Pingat Kami - Hak Kami
651 Signal Troop,
Semengo Camp,
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I have e mailed 3 Msps who are responsible for my Geographical area

I trust this will prove positive


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Well done Cameron!....we seem to be generating considerable support already.

Paroi...Rasah...Batu Signals Troop.
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Post MSPs 
To date I have had no less than 12 positive replies from MSPs - not one against! This will mean a dram raised for you all tonight!

Veni vidi vinci
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I have e-mailed them all and the response has to date been 100% positive.


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Post Re: MSPs 
Kentsboro wrote:
To date I have had no less than 12 positive replies from MSPs - not one against! This will mean a dram raised for you all tonight!

Me too, but not just one dram, quiet a few. Isn't it a pity that Westminster MP's are not all as helpful as MSP's. Andy.

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Last edited by StanW on Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Re:MSP's 
I have email all the msp, what a long job it was

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