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I challenge Mr Brennan - to the truth
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Post I challenge Mr Brennan - to the truth 
Herewith a letter I have written to Denis Brennan. It challenges the fundamental deceit that is all that he has left to him in his endeavours to deny PJMers the right to wear the PJM. He is trying to usurp The Queen.

I have sent this letter with a cover letter to the HD Committee, Ministers, MPs and others who have influence. Here is that cover letter:

If you agree teh content, please download and circulate the letters.

Thank you,


BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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Post Re: I challenge Mr Brennan - to the truth 
BarryF wrote:
Herewith a letter I have written to Denis Brennan. It challenges the fundamental deceit that is all that he has left to him in his endeavours to deny PJMers the right to wear the PJM. He is trying to usurp The Queen.

I have sent this letter with a cover letter to the HD Committee, Ministers, MPs and others who have influence. Here is that cover letter:

If you agree teh content, please download and circulate the letters.

Thank you,


Thank you Barry,

Your letters expose that the Long standing government policy quote in 3rd paragraph of the ministerial statement, compiled by the HD committee in the Cabinet office on 5 December 2005 and released on the 31 January 2006 was a 57 days old con trick.

If an art dealer tried to sell a 57 day old painting and con the public that the painting was an old master he would be charged with fraud.

What is a truthful Long standing government policy by nearly 40 years is the official London Gazette published statement in 1968 were The Queen permits veterans who are not in service of the Crown to wear the PJM medal.

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This email went off this evening; so now I hope and wait.

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Last edited by StanW on Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:24 am; edited 1 time in total
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I have just read your letter to Richard Benyon MP, and the futher rebuttal statement to Mr Brennan Esq a Defence Brief couldn't have complied it better. Well done and thank you for your time and continuing effort to see this just campaign through to a acceptable conclusion.

Mel Harris West Midlands

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