Image of the PJM Medal
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"No-policing" is wearing thin!
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Post "No-policing" is wearing thin! 
The MoD and FCO issue their propoganda to the media to the effect that the PJM can be worn by British veterans. We've seen their propaganda in the UK press and in the press abroad. Our Ambassadors abroad have been encourage to promulgate this disinformation. We've heard the civil servants' myths on the radio. They allege that it's OK for civilians to wear any medal they wish because there are no rules for them, and such wearing "is not policed".

This is not so.

The civil servants' propaganda is designed to mislead the world and suggests that our campaign is unnecssary. Moreover, their statement is tantamount to encouraging British veterans to cause offence to the Queen.

Now, in the context of their clear statements, consider these two (of many) documents.

First, a letter from the MoD stating "The Queen has granted permission for the medal to be accepted by British citizens, but on condition that it is not worn"

Nothing could be clearer or more unambiguous (PS While reading this letter, please note that on the 30 May, four months after the Ministerial Statement, the first applications left the MoD ... thousands had been stacked there for months!

Second, Defence Instruction and Notice 10-002 of January 2006 which, in Para 21 specifically states "they [ex-Service personnel] are expected to conform to the general instructions published in the London Gazette and in particular not to add any order, decoration, medal or emblem to which they are not verifiably entitled or which has not been approved for acceptance and wear. The wearing of unauthorised awards is a grave discourtesy to Her Majesty The Queen."

In Conclusion

Civil servants tell the world it's OK for Brits to wear the PJM ... such wear does not break any laws and is not policed.

Those two documents prove otherwise.

But British veterans, based on years of discipline and loyalty to The Queen, police themselves and will not do anything knowingly to cause offence to Her.

Thus the hope that the civil servants nurture, that you and the media will be convinced that the Fight4thePJM campaign is unnecessary and that we will be happy with our souvenir and that we'll "fade away", are dashed. We shall fight until this mean-spirited and incongruous recommendation is amended and British citizens can wear the PJM with the Queen's permission, alongside their Commonwealth ex-comrades in arms with whom they served in Malaysia and to whom She has already given that permission.

PS (The complete DIN is here:

BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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Post Our loyalty to HM Queen...etc. 
Excellent stuff, Barry. We all needed that. As a National Service soldier I raised my hand and swore an oath to Elizabeth 2, just as every soldier did. I also remember that her family, including her and her sister did not desert us for a safe haven in WW2. I have not yet received my PJM but even when I do I shall not wear it until the lady I swore to serve gives me the right to wear it with pride. To do otherwise will not, in my opinion, help us with our cause.

Mike Barton.

Mike Barton
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I wonder what part of this instruction - that THEY wrote - that they don't understand?

How much clearer can it be written?


Wearing of medals after leaving the Service

21. On leaving the Service personnel cease to be bound by these instructions but they are expected to conform to the general instructions published in the London Gazette and in particular not to add any order, decoration, medal or emblem to which they are not verifiably entitled or which has not been approved for acceptance and wear. The wearing of unauthorised awards is a grave discourtesy to Her Majesty The Queen.

Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka,
from the HD Committee and its decision.
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