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Our Rebuttals of their discredited actions
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Post Our Rebuttals of their discredited actions 
Our case is that the Ministerial Statement of the 31st January which promulgated the HD Committee’s PJM recommendation (that Brits must not wear their PJM) is flawed. It is based on inappropriate and erroneous rules applied retrospectively.

That discredited statement says that ‘they’ have:

1. Set aside two rules in order to let British citizens receive a PJM, and then

2. Immediately re-invoked those same rules to stop them wearing it!

How ludicrous and mean-minded is that! It just doesn’t make sense in the context that the Queen has approved Unrestricted Acceptance for all other Commonwealth countries involved. Why poke the Brits in the eye?

We have written a Rebuttal to that Statement - and we have Updated that Rebuttal.

Read all about it at

There are two links on that page to these important documents. And while there, why not send us your comments in the “Your Turn Now” section of that Rebuttal page.

BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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