Why I am fighting to wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia? The reason is as below and to those others that never made it back or who did make it back but were traumatised or disabled I will wear my PJM no matter what the end result.
This event happened before the qualifying dates for the PJM but I'm proud to have served on the same squadron as Ivor John Gillett GC at a later date than he doing a similar job, lest we forget.........
26/03/1950 SZ573 Short Sunderland GR 5 209 Squadron RAF Seletar
Whilst the aircraft was being prepared for a sortie, a bomb exploded and two men Signaller I A R Green and LAC S A Summers, together with others, were injured. Unfortunately, two others were killed and the aircraft was written off. In saving the life of another man, Aircraftsman 1st Gillett was killed. The citation for The George Cross is as follows:
Aircraftsman Gillett, a fitter armourer, was a member of the groundcrew on board a Sunderland flying boat which blew up at its moorings at the RAF flying boat base Seletar on 26th March 1950. Rescue craft were quickly on the scene but the aircraft and a bomb scow alongside sank rapidly and survivors from the explosion were hurled into the water. A lifebelt was thrown to Aircraftsman Gillett from a rescue launch but he was seen to throw the lifebelt to a severely injured Corporal who was in danger of drowning near him. In the confusion, the rescuers had not been able to reach the Corporal. Gillett was a great friend of his and knew he was not a strong swimmer. The lifebelt kept the Corporal afloat until he was rescued unconscious from the water several minutes later. In the meantime, Aircraftsman Gillett disappeared and his body was washed ashore two days later. It was discovered that his body had suffered terrible superficial injuries and his death was due to the combined effects of blast and drowning. By his action in deliberately saving the life of his friend , whilst injured and in great danger himself, Aircraftsman Gillett displayed magnificent courage, extreme unselfishness in his last living moments which resulted in the sacrifice of his life to save another was seen in this act of great heroism which was in accordance with the highest traditions of the Royal Air Force.
Flight Lieutenant William Harry James Kearney
Aircraftsman 1st class Ivor John Gillett GC 21
HD Committee: Amateurs in a Professional World