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Unfair Medal Rules.
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Post Unfair Medal Rules. 
The following is a letter written to a local Scottish borders newspaper which has resulted in another newspaper enquiring about the PJM - watch this space.

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A telling point, brilliantly made.

The fact of the matter is that the civil servants who drive the decisions made by the Honours and Decorations Committee have snubbed Malaysia, a close ally in the current war on terror. As Parliament has stated on many occasions - the PJM decision has brought shame on our country and that snub to Malaysia and to British ex-servicemen and women must be reversed.

PS The civil servants have also embarrassed The Queen by suggesting that She has snubbed the King and People of Malaysia. Furthermore, the civil servants have created the inference that Australia and New Zealand have also been slighted because the medal She has said they can wear is not up to a British "standard" (I quote one of the civil servants involved). What planet are those civil servants on?

BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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Post planetary residence 
We were hoping, PLUTO, but we could never be that lucky.

Yours Aye

Arthur R-S

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..........."not up to British Standard"? In distant memory, the phrase "NMH" (not made here) rummbles around the brain box. What about Blair's American bling; that, obviously is up to the Advisers to the HD Committee (same blokes) standard.

Remember "distinguished people"? Our problem as I see it, is that the new Government, or some Ministers, assume as perhaps most of the newly elected members will, that ALL civil Servants are distinguished persons with unblemished records and unquestionable integrity; that they would not lie,'move the goal posts' twist the evidence, change the rules to be retrospectively applied, and slip them into the Commons Library and not through normal channels; probably out of spite because 'we' had the temerity to question their original decision that is, the PJM, should not even be accepted.

With the letters going out from Andy, Paul A, and from behind the scenes, I really feel confident that we can train some of the newly elected MPs, if not all, to realise that even if they believe that they are 'Gods Chosen Few*, Civil Servants are unelected and are appointed to serve the democratically elected Government, which, presently is the Coalition. The Scottish Press and Parliament think we have a good case and support us.

It is beginning to look promising, thanks to "the Management".

* Perhaps His favour of the Civil Service, was, having been recommended by the HDC Secretary, 'approved by Her Majesty'? when the HDC, as they often do, actually used the Royal Prerogative.

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