Image of the PJM Medal
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From a Malaysian ex-soldier
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Post From a Malaysian ex-soldier 
I have received this message from Malacca, from a Malaysian who served in the British Army.

" - - - start - - -

We sincerely hope that all the PJMers will be officially allowed to wear the medal.

The British Army was and still is the most professional Army in the world. Its greatest asset is its ex Soldiers who had fought and/or died for the freedom and lasting peace of other foreign nations.

We have an old saying here "masok askar … sign mati" (when you enlist in the Army you have agreed to fight and die for your country). It would take a great deal of courage to sign up knowing this saying. The PJMers not only signed to fight to defend their own country but they also fought and quite a number died to maintain the sovereignty, peace and freedom for the people of British Malaya, Singapore, Borneo and Malaysia.

The efforts and sacrifices of the countless British heroes seem to be worthless to your HD? Our UK colleagues are being treated "unhonourbly" in their own country by them. Others bestow honour to you, not HD. Therefore, our King’s medal, the PJM is conferred to our UK colleagues and friends for them to wear it with great pride and honour.

Some of us here may be poor but we are living in a free, safe and a very fast developing Malaysia. We are very thankful and grateful to the countless unsung and the fallen British heroes who have liberated us from the "evil clutches" of the Japanese force (WW2), the Malayan Communist insurgents (Emergency) and the Indonesian Confrontation.

We will be the happiest nation to see you wearing the Pingat Jasa Malaysia medal with great pride and honour. Your heroism will be engraved in our hearts forever.

Best wishes and "PINGAT KAMI ... HAK KAMI".


- - - - ends - - - "

BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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Barry, that is just the type of letter that should be sent to our MP's to show them just how much the ordinary Malay thinks of their crass decision to withhold permission for the PJM to be worn. Methinks a round robin dear boy is called for but please do send a copy to Michael.


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Barry., i think letters like this drives us on becuase we know our cause is Right....PINGAT KAMI HAK KAMI indeed

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A brilliant letter please pass on the thanks of all British Veterans.
That letter should be read by all the suits.

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Post "Sign" of the times? 
Paul Alders wrote:
A brilliant letter please pass on the thanks of all British Veterans.

I shall Paul. Nagei sent his full address in Melaka and so I can write to him on behalf of all PJMers.

I thought I may have misread his writing - my Malay is a vague memory nowadays but, even so, the word " sign " didn't seem too 'Malaysian'! I asked him about it and this is his very interesting response:

" - - - - starts - - - -

Dear Barry,

Thanks for your mail.

The word "sign" is an English word as in signature.

That old saying, we think, may have come from the Baba's (Straits Chinese from Malacca). Everthing about them is (Hokkien) Chinese except that they speak Malay. They were mostly employed as the Sultan's palace guards during the Hang Li Poh -the princess from China, time- ca 1700s. When the Sultunate was abolished this phrase was used to discourage others from enlisting. I can't confirm this story.

Best regards to you and your family.


- - - - ends - - - - "

BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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Let me hasten to agree with my associate Rob Morris...and this campaign is not only right it is just!

My apologies for being among the 'rear guard' to applaud Nagei for his inspirational letter...I have been temporarily occupied with other matters...Terima Kasih Nagei, saya punya kawan lah!

One can only hope that the 'suits' in general, and in particular, that mealy mouthed UK High Comm. in KL will read and comprehend the true dimensions of Nagei's letter...

Paroi...Rasah...Batu Signals Troop.
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Just noted from a search on the BHC Kuala Lumpur web site that there is no mention of details for next weeks Rememberance Service for any of the locations here in Malaysia.
Would have thought that they would post details of such. I appreciate that we are all aware of normal details, but would have thought that the BHC would be leading the way in providing details to the community here, certainly as a courtesy. Or maybe it's not important to them that we remember.

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Post Nagei's letter 
I have to admit to a moistening of these old eyes when I read this letter. His message is simple and simply put but it speaks volumes. Up until then I had been undecided as to whether or not I should wear my PJM at the Whitehall Cenotaph next week - I can see something in the argument that to wear it without formal permission will give the suits the opportunity to say "it doesn't matter what we say, they will wear it anyway". But having read Nagei's letter I am now convinced that I should wear it: to honour those who did not return; to show the world what I think of the archaic mindset of those who think that they can dictate to us in a 21st century democracy; and also to indicate my pride at having my service recognised by a nation of gentle, graceful and polite people.

Gerald Law (ex RAF Borneo Veteran)
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Post Merdeka Day - Nagei's Day 
We have received our first images from KL following the PJM presentation by the Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister to British veterans - and one very proud ex-serviceman!

Real all about Nagei and a happy ending to his PJM story 18 months after I received his moving letter:

BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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Post Messages from Malaysia 
I think that the smiles are proof that our comradeship transcends the bullying tactics of our not very civil servants. They can bluster for all their might about their so called rules - they are unworthy to be in the same room with such as Nagei. The H in HD Committee can no longer stand for Honours for they are disqualified from using the term.

Gerald Law (ex RAF Borneo Veteran)
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Post Nagei's wonderful letter. 
Reading Nagei's letter my wife Kathy shed tears for the second time in a week. The first time was at the Malaysia in Edinburgh Pavilion last Monday when she listened to the address of thanks for us veterans. As she said, "After forty years of listening to your wofflings, I now truly understand."


Mike Barton
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    After reading Nagei's letter all I can say is, I am very humbled in the part I took.
    May your memories instill in others all what you and your men fought for.
    I Salute you Nagei.

    Fred ex RAMC BMH Kluang and MRS Seria, Brunei.

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Post Merdeka 
Received today which is self explanatory. What a diiference in courtesy and respect to the way Veterans are treated in the land of our birth. Shame, shame and shame again upon some of our Civil Servants and Members of Parliament. (and the guilty ones know who they are)

Dear Mr *******

Thank you for the well wishes and greetings on occasion of the 50th Anniversary of Independence of Malaysia. Your kind gesture in remembering us on this occasion is very much appreciated. I am sure you have wonderful memories of your time in Borneo in 1964/5 and we thank you for your service to our country.

With my warmest regards

Datuk Abd Aziz Mohammed

High Commissioner of Malaysia

Malaysian High Commission


Pingat Kami - Hak Kami
651 Signal Troop,
Semengo Camp,
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Post Letter 
Your letter to Datuk Abd Aziz Mohammed was a kind and warm thought - thank you.

Veni vidi vinci
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Post Re: Merdeka 
Semengo13 wrote:
Received today which is self explanatory. What a diiference in courtesy and respect to the way Veterans are treated in the land of our birth. Shame, shame and shame again upon some of our Civil Servants and Members of Parliament. (and the guilty ones know who they are)

Dear Mr *******

Thank you for the well wishes and greetings on occasion of the 50th Anniversary of Independence of Malaysia. Your kind gesture in remembering us on this occasion is very much appreciated. I am sure you have wonderful memories of your time in Borneo in 1964/5 and we thank you for your service to our country.

With my warmest regards

Datuk Abd Aziz Mohammed

High Commissioner of Malaysia

Malaysian High Commission



Thank you very much for writing to the Malaysian High Commissioner and for posying his reply.

Such a gracious people ... their honour and dignity shines through.


BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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