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Post Now I'm puzzled 
Someone asked if the NMBVA website had been suspendered,is this how we got to the subjet of lingrie? Rolling Eyes

Hold the line steady boys.
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Post Lingerie et Smudger too (rusty French) 

Last edited by MB on Thu Feb 14, 2008 6:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

Mike Barton
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Post MB aka Whiskery One 
Listen 'ere old whiskery one.Leave my grundies out of this.I'll have all and sundry be aware that I have my trusty missus up to her knees in the river Goyt beating said grundies on the rocks at least once a year Laughing
We 'Peep o' Day Boys' may be fond of the local brew (Robinsons to be precise)the odd whisky was always on Doctor's orders.And another thing at least I wasn't deported to the outer reaches of 'aggis country not unlike some I could mention.(Jammy Sod!)Just you wait until I meet up with the young wise one in your clan I'll tell him a trick or two.Randy Bakeman is gunning for you cos you threw a spud at his pigs on your way home from school.
I told him that despite what he said about you and pigs I said you were (think about it) Laughing By the way my friend our local hair cuttyman is also looking for you.He tells me his late Father lent you 1/3d and now he wants it back.
To close may I add that we Cheshires didnt need starched clobber as we were smart enough without it.SO THERE!! Rolling Eyes

Hold the line steady boys.
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Post Lingerie, Randy Bakeman and the barber. 

Last edited by MB on Thu Feb 14, 2008 6:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

Mike Barton
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Post Drawers Cellular Green for the use of 
ok you old reprobate to tell you the truth I had my own dhobi wallah whose main job was to loosen up said drawers peculiar green for the use of by cracking them on the side of the monsoon drain before imersing aforementioned drawers peculiar green for the use of into scalding hot water.The hot water (and just how many times were you in it?) was simply to scald all intrusive bed-bugs and put the fear of death into them.After suitable boiling and constant stirring with a gynormous wooden paddle said aforementioned drawers cellular green for the use of were hung out to dry.Just like I was many times after a sesh in Changi Village.When a/m dcgftuo were dry a poor little chinese lady had the eronoeus task of ironing said grundies.No doubt whilst ironing said grundies she could be seen dreaming in a whistful manner,dreaming no doubt of just how much starch she could apply to remind the little two taped English bastid upstairs that he hadn't settled last months dhobi bill. Laughing
Mind you my old buddy whilst treading my weary way through the Ulu trying to decipher one of YOUR maps I did have cause to leave a pair of grundies hanging from a tree.This was the result of my seeing a snake crawl between my feet. Shocked Now if you will excuse me I need to open this bottle of Scotch.

Hold the line steady boys.
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