Listen 'ere old whiskery one.Leave my grundies out of this.I'll have all and sundry be aware that I have my trusty missus up to her knees in the river Goyt beating said grundies on the rocks at least once a year
We 'Peep o' Day Boys' may be fond of the local brew (Robinsons to be precise)the odd whisky was always on Doctor's orders.And another thing at least I wasn't deported to the outer reaches of 'aggis country not unlike some I could mention.(Jammy Sod!)Just you wait until I meet up with the young wise one in your clan I'll tell him a trick or two.Randy Bakeman is gunning for you cos you threw a spud at his pigs on your way home from school.
I told him that despite what he said about you and pigs I said you were (think about it)

By the way my friend our local hair cuttyman is also looking for you.He tells me his late Father lent you 1/3d and now he wants it back.
To close may I add that we Cheshires didnt need starched clobber as we were smart enough without it.SO THERE!!
Hold the line steady boys.