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Let's Zap'Em
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Bill Blyth wrote:
I have received the following from my MP Ronnie Campbell's secretary.

Dear Bill,

This is to confirm that Ronnie supports the above and has signed both EDM 356 and 375.


Carol Delaney

F A N T A S T I C news, Bill.

Brilliant lobbying.

Thanks for your continuing support.


BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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Well done Bill.....that's just the sort of news we need!

Keep up the good work...

Paroi...Rasah...Batu Signals Troop.
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Very Happy Received this one this morning:

Dear Mr. Dilley,

You will be happy to know that Mr. Binley has added his name in support of EDM 356, however, as you are not in his constituency it would be unethical to send you a more detailed response.

Yours sincerely,

Aaron Toussaint

Parliamentary Assistant to Brian Binley MP

Northampton South Constituency


House of Commons



Phone: 0207 219 8298

Fax: 0207 219 2265

Other than Tim Boswell from whom I await a reply, thats Northamptonshire covered!

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GLOman wrote:
Very Happy Received this one this morning:

Dear Mr. Dilley,

You will be happy to know that Mr. Binley has added his name in support of EDM 356,

Brilliant! Thanks for all your continuing support at this critical time, David.


BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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Reply to Brian Binley MP

Dear Mr Toussaint,
Thank you for your email, 16/01/07 timed at 12:17. Please pass my thanks to Brian Binley MP.

Yours faithfully,

David Dilley

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My MP Desmond Swayne, New Forest, a TA officer, has signed the EDM. I think the Malays upset Jock Blairs wife when they wouldn`t allow her to represent someone in a court case. As scrounging holidays means so much to them. It is obvious that to lose money, when someone doesn`t want HER must be dreadful for such a mean couple. I think the Blairs are the problem! Get rid of them, maybe we will get a medal.

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My MP Desmond Swayne, New Forest, a TA officer, has signed the EDM. I think the Malays upset Jock Blairs wife when they wouldn`t allow her to represent someone in a court case. As scrounging holidays means so much to them. It is obvious that to lose money, when someone doesn`t want HER must be dreadful for such a mean couple. I think the Blairs are the problem! Get rid of them, maybe we will get a medal.

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Hello Raymond

Great news about your MP, we now have more than half the UK MPs that have signed all or some of the three EDMs and of course welcome to the forum! Smile

HD Committee: Amateurs in a Professional World
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I e-mailed my 3 MEP's to see if we have their support. Martin Callanan has replied as follows...

Dear Mr. Blyth,

Thank you for writing to me with regard to the right to wear the Pingat
Jasa Malaysia. Unfortunately as your Member of the European Parliament
in Brussels, I am unable to sign motions tabled in Westminster. I
therefore urge you to contact your local MP Ronnie Campbell if you have
not done so already.
Personally, I do support your case, and I understand that the
Conservative Party Defence Team in Westminster is also in favour. The
PJM has been accepted by the Queen to be worn by all Commonwealth
countries who fought to protect the newly independent country, but not
the British.

Thank you again for writing to me. I wish you luck with your campaign.

Martin Callanan MEP
North East Region, Conservative

Bill Blyth

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Post David Heath MP Somerton and Frome 
David Heath appears to sign quite a lot of EDMs, but from what I can see
not EDM 356 or 375 YET!

This sent off today:

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Post Re: David Heath MP Somerton and Frome 
GLOman wrote:
David Heath appears to sign quite a lot of EDMs, but from what I can see
not EDM 356 or 375 YET!

This sent off today:

Nice letter GLOman.

These suits have no concience and little honour, yet they all seem to queue up for their regulation CBE, OBE and what ever else is in fashion at the time, when they come to the end of their use by date.

Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka,
from the HD Committee and its decision.
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Post Re: Mr David Heath CBE MP 
Reply received today. Well done to the unknown constituent who
attended his surgery.

Hopefully, his two votes will mean more than anything now.
Surely the suits cannot win against the might of Parliament?

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Post RE: Mr David Heath CBE MP Lib Dem 
Thank you letter sent to Mr Heath,


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Post Re David Heath CBE 
Evil or Very Mad Trying to type and think when you're bl##dy angry is
not recommended. Apologise for an error and make two
more = if not of, and ).

Ah well, I'm sure he'll understand!

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I Wrote to the following MP's in the Newcastle area....

Stephen Byers.
Jim Cousins.
David Clelland.
Sharon Hodgson.
David Miliband.
Alan Campbell.
I noticed David Clelland MP has signed EDM 356. It may have nothing to do with my letter (as long as he signed )
Acknowledgement received from Sharon Hodgson MP.
The following letter was received from Jim Cousins MP.

I will enquire among friends and find someone from his constituency to write to him.

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