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John Cooper
Joined: 11 Feb 2006
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KenN0898 wrote:Even though I am now and expat and live in Australia, some time ago I wrote to my home town MP Angela Browning CON. Tiverton, to ask her to sign Don Touhig's EDM. I received the following response:-
Dear Mr. Nichols,
Thank you for your email concerning Early Day Motion number 356.
You may care to know that I do not sign EDMs because, despite the name “motion”, they are rarely debated on the Floor of the House. More importantly, Ministers are not even required to give a response. I therefore write to Ministers when constituents contact me about EDMs, so that the Minister is aware of the views being expressed and is required to give a reply, which I forward as soon as it is available.
I have, therefore, written on your behalf to the Minister with responsibility for Veterans and I shall, of course, write to you again as soon as I receive a substantive reply.
Yours sincerely,
Angela Browning MP
In spite of that response I had hoped that she would eventually relent and sign up but that hasn't been the case so perhaps there is someone in our group who lives in Angela's electorate who can write to her to give her a little more persuasion.
Supposing that we all reside in A Browning's constituency  perhaps we can ask her to reconsider..............
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Thu Jan 25, 2007 7:41 am |
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KenN0898 wrote:In spite of that response I had hoped that she would eventually relent and sign up but that hasn't been the case so perhaps there is someone in our group who lives in Angela's electorate who can write to her to give her a little more persuasion.
KenN0898, Thanks for this brilliant lobbying and support. The main thing is she is writing to the Minister and, with her credentials, it should be a meaningful exchange of letters!
I have contacted a PJMer friend of mine who lives in Angela's constituency and a Billy Doo is winging its way to her even as we speak!
_________________ BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:40 am |
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Last edited by StanW on Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
Thu Feb 01, 2007 3:19 pm |
Paul Alders
Joined: 04 Mar 2006
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You've got a good MP there. NICE ONE.
Thu Feb 01, 2007 3:37 pm |
John Cooper
Joined: 11 Feb 2006
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Great stuff Stan, I wonder how much longer 8 members of a Committee answerable to no one can hold 35000 (angry) Veterans at bay.
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HD Committee: Amateurs in a Professional World
Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:03 pm |
'Jock' Fenton
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Paroi...Rasah...Batu Signals Troop.
Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:19 pm |
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 Re: Stourbridge MP Lynda Waltho - going that "extra mil
StanW wrote:Going that "EXtra Mile"
Stan - that is a brillaint result. Great Lobbying to a wonderful MP.
_________________ BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
Thu Feb 01, 2007 6:20 pm |
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E Mail to my MP which is self explanatory. (Lest they forget !)
Dear Mr Bayley,
Thought you would appreciate an update regarding the EDM's which you kindly signed to indicate your support.
378 signatures supporting the PJM! Magnificent support from MPs.
This list represents only a part of our Parliamentary support - some MPs are unable to sign EDMs because of their official posts.
Don Touhig's EDM 356 now has 165 signatures.
Michael Mates' EDM now has 69 signatures.
We've just added up the total number of signatures supporting the PJM in 2005/6 ... 378 from 209 individual MPs! Staggering support! And growing support!
Are a handful of civil servants going to continue to maintain that 209 MPs are wrong and a couple of them are right?
Our campaign has exceeded all expectations - especially those expectations of those Government Departments where a handful of civil servants are even now trying to find a way to say they are the only ones in step.
Read all about it at http://www.fight4thepjm.org/
And we still await the Ministerial Statement on the HD Committee's Review, which the Foreign Secretary indicated would hopefully be made by the "end of November".
And we still await any explanation as to why it remains delayed.
Thank you again for your support with the EDM.
Yours sincerely,
John Rushton,
(Full details supplied)
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Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:07 am |
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 Tim Boswell MP
Your post Sat Dec 16. I note that Tim Boswell MP (Northants) has signed Don Touhig's EDM.
Sat Feb 10, 2007 3:05 pm |
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KenN0898 wrote:Even though I am now and expat and live in Australia, some time ago I wrote to my home town MP Angela Browning CON. Tiverton, to ask her to sign Don Touhig's EDM. I received the following response:-
Dear Mr. Nichols,
Thank you for your email concerning Early Day Motion number 356.
You may care to know that I do not sign EDMs because, despite the name “motion”, they are rarely debated on the Floor of the House. More importantly, Ministers are not even required to give a response. I therefore write to Ministers when constituents contact me about EDMs, so that the Minister is aware of the views being expressed and is required to give a reply, which I forward as soon as it is available.
I have, therefore, written on your behalf to the Minister with responsibility for Veterans and I shall, of course, write to you again as soon as I receive a substantive reply.
Yours sincerely,
Angela Browning MP
In spite of that response I had hoped that she would eventually relent and sign up but that hasn't been the case so perhaps there is someone in our group who lives in Angela's electorate who can write to her to give her a little more persuasion.
Hi KenN0898,
Here is one of Angela's constituents writing to her.
----- Forwarded by Barry Fleming/BAFleming on 11/02/2007 13:07 -----
"Pete Jackson" <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@btconnect.com>
11/02/2007 11:37
To: "Angela Browning MP" <browningaf@parliament.uk>
cc: Fight4thePJM
Subject: Pingat Jasa Malaysia - Please write to Mrs Beckett on my behalf
Dear Angela Browning,
Re: Pingat Jasa Malaysia (PJM)
I am a constituent and am eligible for the PJM. I am a supporter of the campaign for the right to wear the medal.
The Queen has approved the medal to be worn by the Australians and New Zealanders with whom I served, but she has been advised by HMG not to allow British citizens to wear their medal. The full story is available from the PJM Timeline (1).
The Ministerial Statement (2) promulgating the decision presents a ludicrous and confused situation, unjustifiable in this day and age, and brings the British Honours System into disrepute.
I write to you (the references are to paragraphs in the attached Top Ten Key References document):
* To seek your support for the claim that I and the other 35,000 British veterans should be given formal permission to wear the PJM and to ask you to write to Mrs Beckett to ask her (she has responsibility) to advise the HD Committee to amend their recommendation accordingly. It will cost this country nothing - the gracious Malaysians are footing the whole bill.
* And to ask you, when writing to the Foreign Secretary, to enquire on my behalf why civil servants have failed to respond to her with the outcome of their review of our case. Mrs Beckett, to whom the Queen sent our Petition (3) and Rebuttal (4), said 4 months ago in Parliament (5b) that she hoped to hear by the end of November 2006. Since then ... silence.
What is so important, and what is at stake, that prevents an early resolution of this issue? It is time for this matter to be resolved - it has been going on too long particularly in the context of the civil servants' investment of time and resources (paid for by taxpayers) to defeat our simple and just case. The total cost must amount to tens of thousands of pounds. For what? To deny British veterans a little bit of pride and joy in their old age?
In support of my request to you to send my enquiry to Mrs Beckett, I have attached a list of ten important references that detail the issues, as well as quantifying the staggering support that our case has attracted. I obtained this list from the Fight4thePJM campaign.
I very much hope I can count on your support and look forward to hearing from you (email is easier for me).
Yours sincerely,
Peter Jackson
(retired from the Army after 22 years service)
Enc: Top Ten Key References ( http://www.fight4thepjm.org/documents/PJM_Case_Ten_Key_References.pdf
And if you want to send this attachment (our Top Ten References), you can download it from:
_________________ BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:13 pm |
Joined: 16 Feb 2006
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Location: Adelaide Australia
Thanks for that Barry,...............I keep checking the EDMs to see if Angela's signature is there.........I do believe we have her support so hopefully Peters letter will prompt her to sign it........because the way things are going, she could well end up in the minority if she doesnt.
Cheers, Ken
_________________ KenN
Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:54 pm |
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KenN0898 wrote:Thanks for that Barry,...............I keep checking the EDMs to see if Angela's signature is there.........I do believe we have her support so hopefully Peters letter will prompt her to sign it........because the way things are going, she could well end up in the minority if she doesnt.
I do not think she feels able to sign an EDM because of her parliamentary responsibilities (especially regarding Constitutional matters). But she may do so because her colleague, the Shadow Defence Minister has signed.
I agree with you, I think you is supportive. Pete will nudge her.
We are aiming for 325 MPs either signed up or supportive. That would be a parliamentary majority even if the Whips managed to fill every seat and the standing room as well. In practise, we already have more than a working majority. We'd dearly like the suits to challenge that and set up a vote!
Thanks for your original pointer to Angela - and for your ongoing support.
All the best,
_________________ BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:11 pm |
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 MPs still signing our EDMs!
It gets better and better and better ... every day more signatures!
Update as at 27/02/2007:
Measured by the number of signatures, Don Touhig's EDM 356 represents the 15th most important issue out of nearly 1,000 issues raised via EDMs in the Commons in this session!
This list represents only a part of our Parliamentary support - some MPs are unable to sign EDMs because of their official posts.
We've just added up the total number of signatures supporting the PJM in 2005/6 ... 385 from 216 individual MPs! Staggering support! And growing support!
Are a handful of civil servants going to continue to maintain that 216 MPs (and there are those that support us but cannot or do not sign EDMs) are wrong and they are right?
Our campaign has exceeded all expectations - especially those expectations of those Government Departments where a handful of civil servants are even now trying to find a way to say they are the only ones in step.
Read all about it at http://www.fight4thepjm.org/lobby_mp.htm
If your MP isn't here ... drop him or her an email asking for their support (quote EDMs 356 and 375)!
_________________ BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:35 am |
Joined: 16 Feb 2006
Posts: 139
Location: Adelaide Australia
Yes Barry,............but still nothing from Angela Browning, Consevative. Tiverton & Honiton. In her letter to me she said she never signs EDMs because they are often never discussed by the members of the house, but I have noted that on 25 Jan 07 she signed EDM752 - Food from the Southwest,..... and that appears to be the only EDM that she has ever signed.
Perhaps there are forum members here from her constituency who can give her another nudge..............it seems that she will certainly be with the minority if she doesn't sign.
Do you know if Peter Jackson received a reply to the email he sent her?.
_________________ KenN
Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:56 am |
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KenN0898 wrote:Yes Barry,............but still nothing from Angela Browning, Consevative. Tiverton & Honiton. In her letter to me she said she never signs EDMs because they are often never discussed by the members of the house, but I have noted that on 25 Jan 07 she signed EDM752 - Food from the Southwest,..... and that appears to be the only EDM that she has ever signed.
Perhaps there are forum members here from her constituency who can give her another nudge..............it seems that she will certainly be with the minority if she doesn't sign.
Do you know if Peter Jackson received a reply to the email he sent her?.
I'll give Pete a call today but I think he would have told me if he had received a reply. If he hasn't received a reply, I'll ask him to telephone her and her constituency office.
_________________ BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:14 am |
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