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Two-Medal Objection - Two-Faced FCO! Part III
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Post Two-Medal Objection - Two-Faced FCO! Part III 
Here’s another example of what we’re up against. This time the FCO.

Had one of those “I remain of the view that veterans should not be formally allowed permission to wear the PJM because it is long-standing Government policy that non-British medals are not approved for events or services if the recipient has received a British award for the same service” letter?

Now, how would the author of those words, gullibly accepting what he has been told is his opinion by the civil servants in the MoD and FCO, react if you were to point out that if the long-standing Rule is invoked for the PJM, why was it not invoked for the Russian 40th Anniversary Medal and the Malta 50th Anniversary Medal in the 1990's - both of which required that the recipient should already have a British Medal (e.g. Atlantic Star and the Africa Star respectively). Double-medalling of a Foreign award over a British medal in both cases.

So there you have it, it’s OK to allow awards when the politicians require it (the Russian medal was allowed specifically because it became ‘politically correct’ in the mid-1990’s and the Malta Medal was allowed only because it coincided with a visit by the Queen to Malta).

The invocation of this other double-medalling myth, glibly repeated by the speak-easy politicians, is entirely political and has nothing whatsoever to do with genuine medals policy.

And so it goes on.

BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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