John Feltham
Joined: 12 Feb 2006
Posts: 764
Location: Townsville, North Queensland
 PJM Criteria
1. For distinguished service and sacrifices towards the involvement of the Armed Fortes and security groups from the communion countries who had served in this country during the 2nd Emergency and Confrontation time period, the Malaysian Government has approved to ordain a recognition for this award to be conferred to any entity. This decoration shall be named as Pingat Jasa Malaysia (PJM).
2. This award is. conferred in considering the involvement of the Armed Forces or security group from Australia, Britain, New Zealand, India, Nepal. Fiji and citizen of any other country who served in any peace operations in Malaya or Malaysia, aimed to. upholding the peace and sovereignty of this country. For the purpose of conferring this award, the period of service is from 31st August 1957 (after the independent of Malaya) to 12th August 1966 (end of Confrontation).
3. Terms and Service Qualification applies for this award are as follows:
a. Person Eligible. This medal can be awarded to any entity from Peacekeeping Group (Armed Forces, Semi Armed Forces, Police and Security Civilian Staff) from the communion countries either man or women whoever has served in Malaya or Malaysia (including Sabah and Sarawak) during the determined period. (For service stationed in Singapore, please see paragraph e below).
b. The Exact Dates of Operational Service. For the purpose of conferment of this award, the Malaysian Govemment has declared thiat the exact dates of Operational Service is from 31st August 1957 to 12th August 1966 only. This medal cannot be offered for period prior to 30th August 1957 (before the independencel of Malaya) or after 12th August 1966). (However, if iheir service does not cover the above mentioned dates, consideration shall be given based on Additional Qualliffication; please refer to paragraph f below).
c. Type of Services. In order to qualify for this medal, any personnel from the Armed Forces, Semi Armed Forces, Police and Security, Civilian Staff service with or attached to any Armed Forces units or security organizations from the said countries or group either involved directly or indirectly and performed their duties in upholding the peace and security of this country, in any type of security operations with Malaya or Malaysia (including Sabah and Sarawak), within the time period as determined above are eligible for the award.
d. Number of Days of Service. Any security personnel from the said organizations and countries fulfilling the qualification below, are eligble for the award;
(1). Any security personnel who directly involved (in the face of enemy) in any operation for the period of three (3) months or more in any Armed Forces or Security Organizations from the said countries or group, stationed in Malaya or Malaysia during the predetermined time period:
(2). or security personnel who had indirectly served not less than six (6) months as supporting elements in any operation served in any Armed Forces units or security organizations from the said countries or group, stationed in Malaya or Malaysia during the predetermined time period:
(3). or any security personnel attached or posted to any Armed Forces units or security organizations from the said countries.w group, stationed in Malaya or Malaysia and performed their duties directly (in the face or enemy) in any operations not less than three (3) months during the predetermined time period;
(4). or any security personnel attached or posted to any Armed Forces units or security organizations from the said countries or group, stationed in Malaya or Malaysia and performed their duties indirectly as supporting element in any operations not less than six (6) months during the predeterm[ned time period;
(5). or any security personnel from the said countries of Armed Forces or security organizations or attached to it, stationed Malaya or Malaysia, who had involved directly or stationed in as supporting element, throughout the service despite yet to fulfil the determined period, killed, wounded. or disable(d) due to, performing tasks against the enemy, can be considered for this award.
e. Service in Singapore. if the security personnel from Armed Forces or security organization from the said counttries or group, stationed in Singapore and performing tasks against the enerny in upholding the sovereignty of this country, their service should be for the period of 31 August 1957 until 9 August 1965 (Independence of Singapore). Other than period stated are not eligible.
f. Additional Qualifications. Despite the predetermined period (the exact dates of operational service and the number of days of service as mentioned earlier, other Additional Qualifications can be considered based on the following circumstances:
1) the security personnel from any Armed Forces or security organizations from the said countries or group who had served In Malaysia, must be sent by their Government before 12th August 1966; and
(2) after 12th August 1966, he or she must be in or attached to any remaining Armed Forces unit or Security Organisation from the said countries, stationed only in Malaysia and perform their duties during the so called “cooling period"; and
(3) the above service are counted until 31st December 1966 only.
(4) therefore, any entity who fulfill these additional qualifications (paragraph (1), (2) and (3) above eligible for this award.
g. Geographical Land Area. The geographical land area service are defined as the land of Malaya or Malaysia (including Sabah and Sarawak) only.
h. Service At Sea. Area Service at sea area are defined as: “the naval ships must be located in the sea area of Malaya or Malaysia and involved throughout in supporting any operation for Malaya or Malaysia,. If the ships are located in Singapore coastal area, the service period should be from 31st August 1957 until 9th August 1965 (Independonce of Singapore).
i. Flying into and Out. Flying into and out of Malaya or Malaysia on an air force flight as air crew or supernumerary aircrew does not count as qualifying service for the award. However, if the parent unit (the Air Force bases) is stationed in Peninsular of Malaya or Malaysia during the predetermined period, are declared as service for Malaya or Malaysia. However, if the parent units are stationed in Singapore, the service are declared from 31st August 1957 until 9th August 1965 only.
J Posthumous Awards, This award can be conferred posthumously.
_________________ Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka,
from the HD Committee and its decision.