If you haven't picked up on it yet, there's a fascinating new thread in the Off-Topic area - a Then and Now parade for posterity called The Way We Were.
I think it's a brilliant contribution to our record of PJM service and as soon as I've 'airbrushed up on my image editing techniques, I'm going to place a couple of piccies there - at least one will be of me! 'onest!
Very soon, we'll reach the end of the Fight4thePJM campaign. My final contribution, my way of saying thanks to all our supporters, will be to set up the F4 website so that it remains in the ether as our memorial to all those who served out there - and especially to those who did not return or who have since died.
So why not contribute your piccies and a bit of your story?
All the very best,
BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia