Some of you will know that I have been battling with The Cabinet Office, The Foreign & Commonwealth Office and finally The Information Commissioners Office as to whether HM The Queen signed off a document barring us from the wearing of The PJM. My first application to the FCO went in for sight of this document on 11th April 2006 and a reply to this from Ms Eleri Pengelly (FCO) was sent to me on 5th May 2006 explaining that the FCO did have a copy and that 'The Queen signed this document in the normal manner'
It was this last paragraph that concerned my doubts as to whether the Queen actually signed the said document. Much further correspondence later resulted in myself and others from having sight of this document under Section 37 of The FOIA, I even asked my MP, Sir Michael Lord, if he could confirm sight of this document. Mr Dennis Brennan did not refuse this request but produced more fudge to suggest that an internal inquiry had been asked by me for this to go ahead, I never asked for such action!
All the correspondence to The CO/FCO resulted in delaying tactics so I reported this matter to The Information Commissioner (ICO) 27 emails and letters (from me) later culminates in a letter on Thursday last that the case by The ICO was no longer being investigated as The CO had agreed to my request
This is the reply from The CO

Together with an attachment from Sir Robin Janvrin, Private Secretary to The Queen, due to [possible] Crown Copyright restrictions I thought it best to let you know the written contents verbatim:
The letter is headed Buckingham Palace, Honours in Confidence [Ref] 193117/05 Received in the Foreign Secretary's Office 29th December 2005
[The letter is dated] 21st December, 2005.
Dear Secretary of State
Thank you for your letter of 19th December. The Queen has approved the recommendation of the HD Committee Meeting of 7th December that the Pingat Jasa Malaysia may be accepted but not worn by those eligible to receive it.
Yours [????]
Sir Robin Janvrin
Private Secretary to The Queen
The Rt. Hon. Jack Straw, MP
[The parenthesis is my doing for the sake of accuracy]
That folks is it, there is no signature as I requested from the CO/FCO/ICO regarding HM The Queen, if I have broken protocol by publishing this so be it.
My reply to The Suits yesterday (yes we do work on Sundays!)
Your Ref IC249077/FS50170120
Mr Michael Pigott
cc Mr Paul Warbrick, Complaints Officer, Information Commissioners Office
Dear Mr Pigott
In reference to your letter to me dated the 25th March 2008.
With due respect you have not answered my question, I first asked the question on 11th April 2006 and received a reply from Ms Eleri Pengelly on 5th May 2006 requesting sight of the document actually signed by Her Majesty The Queen barring Malayan/Malaysian Veterans from wearing The Pingat Jasa Malaysia. Since that date I have forwarded to either the FCO/CO or the ICO 27 emails reminding these different departments to this effect.
The letter you have forwarded from Sir Robin Janvrin to The Rt Hon Jack Straw MP is not what I requested. I would imagine that between the FCO/CO/ICO someone should have these copy letters/emails
Mr Pigott, your departments, within The Civil Service have placed every obstacle in my way with regard to the sighting of one simple document purportedly signed by HM The Queen.
In closing I am therefore extremely disappointed in your delaying tactics and am now asking of you within the statutory time limit to reply to this correspondence explaining why you are obfuscating the real issues regarding my initial enquiries.
Yours sincerely
John Cooper
HD Committee: Amateurs in a Professional World