No, not a rant about the actions of a few (that was Remembrance Day, the 11th) but a little healing moment snapped at one of the Belfast observances on the 14th):
Thanks to "belfastmark" of the British Medals Forum and doesn't that display look grand on a regulation 5-up bar?
Yes, we remember the fallen in Malaya and Borneo too, and the grateful acknowledgment of the young nation in which they fell. Time heals nothing, it needs help (even more so as we grow old and the chill winds blow), as even Civil Serpents ought to know in their self-professed quest for improvement, core learning and the acquisition of requisite skills. Actual humans mostly know that stuff instinctively but it's apparently not on the syllabus as outlined by the Permanent Secretaries Management Group.
Ah well ... it was good to see a PJM racked and proud in NI.
Former 'nasho', RAE Borneo (Confrontation)