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A Message of Support from ex-RMN
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Post A Message of Support from ex-RMN 
We have received another message of suppport from Malaysia - this time from a man who served in the Royal Malaysian Navy.

The message reads:

Your photos have brought back a lot of memories. I was serving in the Royal Malaysian Navy aboard KD TANJONG MERANG and used to alongside at Teluk Ayer Basin for stand off. Used to see quite a number of CMS and the ICKFORD Class standing off in the day and slipping off in the afternoon for respective patrol areas around Singapore.

I know how you all suffer especially those serving on patrol craft like ours and I sincerely think you deserve to wear the medal.


(If you wish to read the pages that Hanef had been reading on the web site, go to and to read about HMS Ickford and other Operations at Sea.)

BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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Post A Letter from Malaysia - to the Star Newspaper 
Here is the latest support from Malaysia.

It is a wonderful letter and I hope that Mr Choi at The Star does write an article.

Thanks very much for your support, Darryn.


BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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