http://fight4thepjm.org/documents/Library_3.jpg 24/02/2007 refers:
House of Commons Library - PJM -Standard Note: SN/A/3914
last updated : 10 Febreuary 2006
Author : Claire Taylor
International Affairs and Defence Section (note "Defence Section and not FCO)!
PART B (page 3)
"However, unrestricted permission will only be considered for foreign awards conferred for services under the following:
1.Blah Blah...............................
2.By any member of the UK Armed Forces or other UK official on exchange, loan or attachment to a foreign state who is involved in a military operation or emergency on behalf of that state.
3. By any member of the UK Armed Forces serving in a UK unit with a by-lateral force under the command of another country who renders special service to the country's forces in a military operation or emergency.
What could be more clear! Part B also includes specific rules on Unrestricted wear, or Restricted wear; absolutely nothing on "can be accepted but permission to formally wear will not be given - a caveat against their own HDC rules! Nought about campaign or commemorative medals - just awards.
After which, comes PART C, written to specifically preclude the PJM from being worn; para 2 and 3 above are in the 'revised 2005 rules' placed in the House of Commons Library.