Image of the PJM Medal
Banner Text = Fight For the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia Medal
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Aron Chong
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Post Aron Chong 
I received this email today, it needs no words from me.

Dear Sir,

Thank you for the PJM lapel badge. When I received it, a simple thank you doesn't sound enough. I am blessed to received something from a veteran like yourself. I've actually like to write you a letter to thank you personally but my penmen ship is bad.

Thank you to you and fellow heroes for your efforts during the world war and confrontation in my country. Relieving us from our aggressors. Hence making independence of this country meaningful. I really don't understand why HD committee is so against the medal. Technically I don't give a damn to their indiffence. To me, WEAR IT! BE PROUD OF IT. Knowing people here in my country appreciate what the heroes have done.

Aron Chong

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A message such as this leaves me both humbled and proud.

It is difficult even for us who served out there, let alone those who have never suffered at the hands of brutal occupying forces, as did our Malaysian friends, and of course those in Holland, Belgium and the rest of Europe during WWII to imagine the hardships, brutality and wonton murder inflicted on these people which now generates such warm feelings to us and the other allied forces who destroyed their enemies.

I feel honoured.


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Post Re: Aron Chong 
Paul Alders wrote:
I received this email today, it needs no words from me.

Dear Sir,

Thank you for the PJM lapel badge. When I received it, a simple thank you doesn't sound enough. I am blessed to received something from a veteran like yourself. I've actually like to write you a letter to thank you personally but my penmen ship is bad.

Thank you to you and fellow heroes for your efforts during the world war and confrontation in my country. Relieving us from our aggressors. Hence making independence of this country meaningful. I really don't understand why HD committee is so against the medal. Technically I don't give a damn to their indiffence. To me, WEAR IT! BE PROUD OF IT. Knowing people here in my country appreciate what the heroes have done.

Aron Chong

These few words from Aron have more significance for me than all of the exhaustive, carefully phrased, double-speak generated by the HD Committee and their sycophants.

Paroi...Rasah...Batu Signals Troop.
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Would you be so kind as to thank Aron for his kind words.

It is letters and notes such as Arons that make us proud to have served him and his country.


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My email to Aron thanking him for his kind words.

I spent two and a half years in your country during this time I grew to love your country and its people; in 2007 I was proud to return with my wife (who had never been to Malaysia) for the Medeka celebrations.
I and my fellow veterans are honoured, proud and glad to have helped in some small way to make your country the independent and prosperous nation it is today.
We will wear our PJM with pride and will never give up the fight to have it fully recognized as the honourable medal it is.
Also my fellow veterans have asked me to thank you for your kind words.
Yours in friendship and with the kindest of regards

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I endorse all that you have said


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