There is a problem! The success of your campaign!
This web site has received 100,000 visits. There are over a hundred main pages of information on the Fight4thePJM web site. The Fight4thePJM Team has received over 10,000 messages, most of which are on the Fight4thePJM Forum which now has over 8,000 posts. We have over 1,500 Registered supporters who can add posts to the Forums.
We welcome this staggering support and weight of correspondence, of course, but the result is that many brilliant Items of Particular Interest become buried by subsequent responses and hundreds of other posts.
And so we have decided that it would be a good idea to post those which we consider the most telling. Why not send us your favourite? We have to be very selective as to what we post here otherwise we shall simply be adding to the problem of visibility (err ... lack of). But if all eight members of the Fight4thePJM agree with your selection, we'll post it here.
Here is how it works:
1. We're interested in those emails, web pages, Forum posts that stand out as being exemplary for any reason.
2. We copy the post or message to this special Section, and then we'll lock the post so that it cannot be extended (as we have this one).
3. At the end of each Highlight, we'll place a link back to the original text so that you can continue to add comments if you wish.
Please help us to highlight and bring to everyone's attention (particularly the media and the 'suits') those words, those issues, that have made this campaign something very special. Tell us where you read the text you want us to highlight - and include either the URL (ideally copy/paste the address in your browser at the top of the page) or anything that will help us identify the item.
Thank you.
The Fight4thePJM Team
PS A 'Locked' topic (flagged as such in red at the top left) can be frustrating if you want to comment on it! If you need to contact us about one, please use the “Contact” option on the top menu bar or click here
BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia