Image of the PJM Medal
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Spot the Brit!
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ro5=6372 wrote:


Pete, Thanks for the explanation and that moment of sober wisdom. You are, of course, quite right. We should be grateful for small miseries.

But I still wanna PJM like me Aussie mates! One I can wear. What the thing looks like will then become less of an issue. I won't be able to see it stuck there on me medal bar (if I can ever find it)!

And yes! Have a Make 'n' Mend Chiefy on us. We never seemed to have a cordial "Have an enjoyable few days off, chaps, you[ve earned it - you can go now" message at the end of several days/weeks of harrowing duty in the Ulu. The incoming billet doux was generally down to a "Noduff: PUFO" signal! Marginally less polite but to the point!

BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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Post Spot the Brit 
Here's another slant. My medal has the palm leaf going right to left (Brit style?), but the miniature is the other way round (Oz style?). So I can wear the miniature without fear from the Secret Medal Police but woe betide me if I wear the full size medal.

Gerald Law (ex RAF Borneo Veteran)
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George F wrote:

The medal I was presented with on the 19th July is number one at the top. Leaves overlapping from right to left. So its obvious now there are two different types of designs for clasps of the medals.

Different batches must be moulded from two diffferent types of moulds.

Anyone found out what material are the PJM medals made from?


I have copied the following from an Australian website where replicas of the PJM can be obtained....... The aussies say the British made PJM replicas are incorrect...........however, as there now aperars to be a diferance between the genuine medals as presented in the UK when compared with Australian presented medal it would apear that the British made replica has been copied from the mold of the British presented PJM........and who can say which medal is correct. I expect there will be a greater number of British PJMs than there are of the Australian and NZ version.

[b]WARNING: There are British made replicas on the market that are incorrect - in other words they are approximate copies, not replicas. They are easy to spot on two counts. Firstly they have the palm fronds between the medal itself and suspender back to front, and they have the wrong pattern on the suspender. Caveat Emptor. Forewarned is forearmed as our INT friends say.

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George, I haven't seen the British replica but I understand it differs from the Oz issued PJM because it has been copied from the Medal presented to the British Vets. Aparently the Oz replica is the same as the genuine Oz presented PJM. It appears that the minature presented to the British Vets is the same as that presented to Oz vets
Cheers, Ken

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Barry, In the days of the old sailing ships, crew were allowed time off to make and mend their cloths. Today in naval terms a Make & Mend means an afternoon (or morning) off.

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David |Pearce wrote:
Barry, In the days of the old sailing ships, crew were allowed time off to make and mend their cloths. Today in naval terms a Make & Mend means an afternoon (or morning) off.

Thanks, David. I learn something new every day! Great stuff.

I've heard that expression often enough and never understood what it was all about. I always thought it had something to do with 'making do', i.e. don't throw away, try and mend it first.

All the best, Barry

BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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BarryF wrote:
George F wrote:
The medal I was presented on the 19th July is different to yours.

Mine is like the top one like the Aussie medal Leaves overlapping from right to left.

So its obvious to me there are now two different types of medals. Different batches must be moulded diferently.

I've been stuffed! I'm gonna sulk now ... I wanna a proper keepsake!

The palm leaves cross the opposite way 'cos the Aussies are 'down under' and we Brits aren't so it's only natural that their PJMs are ar@e about face. Simple really.........
Tom J

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There are several websites where you can buy a Pingat Jasa. I am probably going to have to buy one as my father has already waited 18 months already with absolutely no reply to his application. As he will be blind within 6 months I would rather he at least saw a medal or even a copy of one.
He served several years in Borneo, Malaya, Hong Kong and Singapore between 1948-1969 and has service medals for those.
The Pingat Jasa would only represent the later years of his far east service in Singapore. But it is special to him as it comes from the Malays and he always had a fondnest for the people and even spoke a little Malay.
As a keen collector of military badges, patches and pins my father wants to actually see a Pingat Jasa medal before he loses his sight altogether. I would like to know from anyone who has one what is enscribed on the medal such as Initials and name or more details such as rank as well.

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Where and what is your name enscribed. Initial and then surname? Full name? Name service number?
I going to buy one from ebay and have it personalised. Fed up of waiting.

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Greenfly wrote:
Where and what is your name enscribed. Initial and then surname? Full name? Name service number?
I going to buy one from ebay and have it personalised. Fed up of waiting.

Hi Greenfly,
This is where I purchased my replica PJM. The genuine medal doesn't come inscribed but I plan to have mine inscribed with the same details as my other medals. I have purchased a replica from Heritage and it cost me extra to have it inscibed.
I believe a number of people from Britain has purchased medals from here and you will find it is much cheaper than you can buy in the UK.
Cheers, Ken

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Greenfly wrote:
There are several websites where you can buy a Pingat Jasa. I am probably going to have to buy one as my father has already waited 18 months already with absolutely no reply to his application. As he will be blind within 6 months I would rather he at least saw a medal or even a copy of one.
He served several years in Borneo, Malaya, Hong Kong and Singapore between 1948-1969 and has service medals for those.
The Pingat Jasa would only represent the later years of his far east service in Singapore. But it is special to him as it comes from the Malays and he always had a fondnest for the people and even spoke a little Malay.
As a keen collector of military badges, patches and pins my father wants to actually see a Pingat Jasa medal before he loses his sight altogether. I would like to know from anyone who has one what is enscribed on the medal such as Initials and name or more details such as rank as well.


This needs to be sorted. I have sent you a Private Message about this.


BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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