Image of the PJM Medal
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Scottish Posts.
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Post Scottish Posts. 
The site has the PJM the highest viewed subject with 410 visits (almost 100 higher than the nearest rival) and 21 posts. It looks like there are those in Scotland who have an interest in the PJM. I have tried very hard to get more of these 410 to post a comment but to date I have not been too successful, perhaps most of them are civil serpents.

Barry, will I get red carded for this? Andy.

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I doubt that as both Barry and I have had our say as well!!!


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Post Re: Scottish Posts. 

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Last edited by StanW on Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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StanW wrote:
Yea...... and just how many scotsman does it take to run a country?


Sorry StanW but I do not see what this has got to do with the wearing of the PJM, or is it a joke and I have missed the point.

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Thanks Andy nice to see the `PJM medal being discussed in detail

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Last edited by StanW on Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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StanW wrote:

And now for something completley different.....

The picture below is of another Chelsea Pensioner wearing his medals. What's significant about this picture is that he does not have GSM Malaya or Borneo but wears the PJM!

Great photo, Stan. Assuming the second and third from the left are not GSMs, it makes a very relevant point. It gives the lie yet again to the MoD/FCO/Cabinet Office telling the media that the reason the PJM can't be worn is that PJMers already have a medal. Most do not. And the civil servants lie only adds to the frustration felt by so many british veterans.

Thanks for posting it on the Forum.


BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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And now for something completley different.....

The picture below is of another Chelsea Pensioner wearing his medals. What's significant about this picture is that he does not have GSM Malaya or Borneo but wears the PJM! Not only that, he's a Scotsman. Born in Edinburgh, joined the army at 16 years-of-age.

So when you see him in August, the only Scottish PJM Chelsea Pensioner? taking part in the Merdaka Day parade. Then I think you'll agree, that's something we can all be proud of. And, he won't be breaking the double-medalling rule either!


It looks like he is wearing Defence Medal, Old GSM, New GSM, I think LSGC and PJM but there does not appear to be a clasp on his old GSM, well that is how I see the photo

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The main thing of interest here though is that here is the PJM being worn on the bar of a Chelsea Pensioner, an organisation that regularly parades for Her Majesty and with regulations concerning uniform. I have seen In Pensioners wearing the PJM 'On Parade' and that leads me to the conclusion that they are ignoring the dribble being pumped out from Government about yes you can no you can't etc. Do you seriously think that this would happen if Her Maj was opposed to it being worn!


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John Ireland wrote: "Do you seriously think that this would happen if Her Maj was opposed to it being worn!"

John Ireland draws the inevitable (and I suspect, completely accurate) conclusion that the denial of the right to wear the PJM is due to nothing more significant than bloody-minded bureaucratic intransigence....I have maintained from the very early days of this campaign that I have infinite difficulty in believing that our Sovereign personally subscribes to this idiocy...we are facing a small cadre of highly placed incompetents, who are clearly prepared to spent unlimited amounts of public funds in defence of a flawed decision, rather than merely admit that they made a mistake.

They are nothing short of pathetic!

Paroi...Rasah...Batu Signals Troop.
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Well done Stan, here is a pickie of three more Chelsea Pensioners awarded the PJM July 2006 at the MHC in London.

Do not click on this image ... click on the hyperlink words to see the image without the intrusive links (that are beyond our control):

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Post Value 
The way that I look at the value of the Pingat Jasa Malaysia medal, the government and the civil servants have done all in their power to devalue the PJM. The exact opposite of what they have tried to do as happened and I, on a personal note feel that the PJM is as good as the GSM in so much that service men and women who did not qualify for the GSM have qualified for the PJM, the global support for the PJM as been fantastic and the presentation of the medal far outshine our own government's presentation of brown envolope and little white cardboard box, the price to our goverment not a brass farthing only the price of tissues to wipe the bovine excrement off the faces of certain MP's and civil serpents ?, to the people behind the fight4thePJM team I say well done and may you continue. I shall treasure my PJM + GSM and proudly wear them both together

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